domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

T-4 LCM class Form

T-4 LCM class
Basic Ship Data:
Displacement: 93 full
OIC: 1960?
In class: 0
In Service: 0
Battery rating: 0
Max Depth: -
Acoustic Counterm: None
Electronic Counterm: None
Electronic Support: None
Propulsion: Diesel
Crew: 3+4
Size class: F/VSmall
Signature Class: VSmall/Noisy
Advance per 45º turn: (Speed lost)
Standard rudder: 400 yards (3)
Hard rudder: 300 yards (4)
Accel/Tac Turn from 0-50% Max Speed 15
Accel/Tac Turn from 51-100% Max Speed 8
Deceleration/Tac from any speed 15
PW/SW (2)2 2M3M 25mm gun

Landing Craft Modifier construction -25% Amphibious Ship
Estimate range 450 Nm @ 10 Knots, can carry 1/2 infantry company or 3 light vehicles, 1 APCs, 1 light tank or 50 Tn cargo
HF/VHF radio communication

Damage and speed Breakdown:
Dam Pts: 0/1/2/3/4/4
Surf Speed: 10/8/5/3/0/Sinks

Rio Damuji OPV

El Rio Damuji es un buque pesquero del mismo nombre construido en los años 1975 a 1979 en españa para la "Flota Cubana de Pesca". La clase de arrastreros estaba formada por aproximadamente 26 buques. En 2006 el Rio Damuji fue internado en el arsenal de la Habana y convertido en el buque que es hoy. Se le desmontaron varios elementos de la superestructura, se le cerro la bahia de recogida de aparejos, realizando trabajos en el interior, desmontandole todo el equipamiento de procesamiento pesquero, y convirtiendo dicho espacio en almacenamiento y camarotes. Tambien se le monto en la popa del buque, una plataforma de helicopteros y se le instalaron varios sistemas de armas. El buque esta catalogado como OPV y tiene el numeral "390".

Entre el armamento instalado podemos ver:
-Una Torreta de cañon de 75mm doble proveniente de un sistema antiaereo ZSU-57-2 en un soporte elevado.
-Dos tubos de misiles P-15 Termit [SS-N-2 Stix]
-Un cañon ZPU-1 de 14.5mm delante del puente de mando.
-Dos torretas de cañon dobles de 25mm de calibre 2M-3M en la parte trasera de la estructura, a babor y estribor.
-Un pescante para una lancha rapida en la popa del buque.

Ciertos rumores indican que el buque puede tener capacidad de transporte de tropas o de actuar como minador pero no se ha podido confirmar.

No dispone de radares de tiro o de busqueda aerea, solo algun radar comercial de superficie. Hay posibilidades de que pueda llevar algun sistema de ayuda electronica tipo ESM. La cubierta de helicopteros permite el despegue y aterrizaje de un helicoptero medio tipo Mil Mi-8 que se ha podido ver en algun despliegue.
The Rio Damuji is a fishing vessel of the same name built in the years 1975 to 1979 in Spain for the "Cuban Fishing Fleet." The class of trawlers was comprised of approximately 26 vessels. Damuji Rio in 2006 was admitted to the arsenal of Havana andbecome the vessel that it is today. He cleared several elements of the superstructure, he closed the collection of gear bay, doing work on the inside, removing all the fish processing equipment, and converting the storage space and cabins. Amountwas also at the stern of the ship, a helicopter platform and was installed several weapons systems. The ship is classified asOPV and has the numeral "390".

Among the weaponry installed we can see:
-A gun-turret twin 75mm anti-aircraft system from a ZSU-57-2 on a floor stand in the bow of the ship.
-Two missile tubes Termit P-15 [SS-N-2 Stix] to port and starboard sides of the canyon to the forecastle.
-A cannon of 14.5mm ZPU-1 before the bridge.
-Two double gun turrets gauge 25mm 2M-3M in the rear of the structure, port and starboard.
-A box for a speed boat at the stern of the ship.

Rumors indicate that the vessel may have capacity to transport troops or to act as a miner but has not been confirmed.

You do not have radar, fire control or air search, only commercial radar any surface. Chances are you can take any typeelectronic support system ESM. The helicopter deck allows takeoff and landing of a helicopter half Mil Mi-8 type that has been seen in any deployment.

It is believed that the use of P-15 missiles is limited because in the absence of the associated fire control, you may be infrared missile guidance and should be fired in bearing mode or BOL (Bearing only launch)
Harpoon 4 Form

Rio Damuji OPV class
Basic Ship Data:
Displacement: 3206 GTR
OIC: 2006
In class: 1+1?
In Service: 1+1?
Battery rating: 0
Max Depth: -
Acoustic Counterm: None
Electronic Counterm: None
Electronic Support: 1st Gen
Propulsion: Diesel
Crew: ?
Size class: C/Small
Signature Class: Small/Small
Advance per 45º turn: (Speed lost)
Standard rudder: 400 yards (3)
Hard rudder: 300 yards (4)
Accel/Tac Turn from 0-50% Max Speed 15
Accel/Tac Turn from 51-100% Max Speed 8
Deceleration/Tac from any speed 15

1xNav Radar



F(2)1 57mm ZSU-57-2 Gun Turret
F(1)1 14.5mm ZPU-1 Gun
PB&SB(1)2 SS-N-2 w/2 P-15 Termit [SS-N-2B Stix]//See Remarks
PQ/SQ(2)2 2M3M 25mm gun
(1) Helo Deck (See Remarks)
(1) LCVP or small craft

-35% Converted merchant warship
Fishing trawler converted on OPV, some sources tell that ship can use to attack transport or minelayer, but only have clear info for that capability. Space Hold to transport cargo on internal decks. Speculative can carry 2 Naval Infantry Coy aboard and 2 LCM on deck.
P-15 Stix only fire on only BOL mode, the ship need turn to target heading before fire.
Helo deck can carry 1 Medium or 2 Lights Helos, no hangar or maintenance facilities, 1 Mil Mi-8 see often aboard.
HF/VHF radio communication

Damage and speed Breakdown:
Dam Pts: 0/15/29/44/52/58
Surf Speed: 15/11/8/4/0/Sinks