Empezamos con el fansite bianual, me faltan 3 numeros, el 34, 35 y el que sale este mayo, el 36.

Sitrep #34 April 2008 Table of Contents
Old Enemies Found
Baltic Intrique addition (...to a previous scenario)
Harpoon Scenario: Dance of the Vampires
FG&DN Scenario: Bight Me
New Air Force Tanker
New South Korean Sub Class
US Money, Uzbek Ships
Persian Gulf Images
CAS Scenario: It was a Dark and Stormy Night...In the English Channel
Just In Case
Harpoon4 Rule Change: Low Altitude Flight
A New Idea for Fire Allocation Markers
Logical Consequence - New Helicopter Maneuver Ratings
Product Updates
Book Review: Atlantic Escorts

The Naval SITREP #35
Harpoon Scenario: Taiwan Skirmish
Merchant Ships for Taiwan Skirmish
Ships & Aircraft for Taiwan Skirmish
Operation Stonewall - Blockade Runners in the Bay of Biscay in 1943
The Royal Norwegian Navy in Exile 1940-45
CaS Scenario: Exercise Rhine -With a Twist
Form 10s for Bismark & Prince of Wales
FG&DN Scenario: Send the Saphis to the Bottom!
New Zealand's New Non-Gator
Simplified AAW Gunnery in Harpoon
Blip Enhancers?
Some good gouge on product updates for the Trilogy series.
Some 1/2400 WWII stuff newly released and and number of book reviews.

The Naval SITREP #35
Scenarios for H4, CAS & FG&DN
Sensor Technology development
Special Flanker Feature
y el nuevo Harpoon Naval Review de 2009, calentito y acabante de salir:

Armada Española - An article on the current state of the Spanish fleet
A Question of Sovereignty - Spain vs. Morocco over the North African enclaves
El Golfo de Coquivacoa - Columbia vs. Venezuela in a historical scenario
Sueño Submarino De Hugo (Hugo’s Submarine Dream) - Venezuelan submarines against a U.S. blockade
Cauldron 2010 - France and the U.S. square off in four scenarios
The Outer Air Battle - Defending a U.S. carrier group in scenarios from the 1960s to today
Offensive Jamming in Harpoon4 - Updated jamming rules for use with The Outer Air Battle
scenarios, a reprint from The Naval SITREP.
Pirates of Somalia - A joint naval force faces off against the Somali pirates
Sub vs. Convoy: A Harpoon4 Scenario Generator