domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

AAR Novatos a Bordo / Rokies on Board 0705Z

0705Z (T+1:05)

El convoy se dirige a 16 nudos con rumbo Este.
Alpha1 se acerca a identificar el grupo sospechoso

Convoy: 5 buques en formación de linea con una separación de 1500 yardas
F-104: 15Nm al este del convoy
F219: 15Nm al sur del convoy
712: 10Nm al norte del convoy
DDG-12: 8Nm al oeste del convoy
F-32: 5Nm al sureste del convoy
NH-90 Alfa: 10Nm al sureste del grupo sospecho (lleva 2 tanques de combustible)
SH-60: Alerta+15
NH-90 Beta: Despegando (lleva 2 tanques de combustible), ordenes racetrack punto A(posicion F-104 a posicion DDG-12, manteniendo 20Nm con el convoy, altura Med y velocidad cruise)
K-29PL: Alerta+5 (Cargado con 2 torpedos)

El convoy mueve 8 Nm a 279, 16 Kts.
NH90 hace racetrack siguiendo ordenes

Radares: Todos encendidos, incluido NH90:
Sonar: Pasivo, 712 cambia a activo 1 minuto de cada 3.
EO: encendido
ESM: encendido
ECM: apagado.

Contactos de Superficie: 5 Grandes / 7 Medios / 12 Pequeños / 12 Muy pequeños
Contactos Aereos: Ninguno
Contactos Sonar: Ninguno
ESM: 26 Nav radars detectados, concuerdan con las posiciones de superficie
ECM: No se ha detectado Actividad

Notas: Alpha1 se mueve a una posición en la que ha podido identificar al grupo sospechoso, Alpha2 esta despegando de la 720
El grupo esta formado por lo que parece por 3 patrulleras tipo Bizzerte class y 6 pesqueros de diversos tamaños, las patrullras parece que los están escoltando. Todo el grupo llevan las luces de navegación encendidas.

Final Reclutment Operation Triton

I Military District HQ (1 Commander Available)

Ground Forces
Oriental HQ XII Corp (1 commander Jphn Webb):
elements 21º Mechanized Infantry Bde (1 commander Miguel Ramon)
elements 22º Mechanized Infantry Bde (1 commander available)
Alpha Frontier Bde (1 commander Adhika Widyaparaga)
elements A Frontier Btl (Formed Inf Btl) (1 commander Barry Sumers)
elements B Frontier Btl (Formed Inf Btl) (1 commander Paul Riegel-Green)
elements C Frontier Btl (Formed Inf Btl) (1 commander available)
Special Forces Blt (1 Commander Shaun Chattey)

Naval ForcesNavy
Mediterranean Fleet (1 commander Christian Wendt)
1st Patrol Flotilla (1 commander Nicholas Moran)
2x LCS (1 commander Darthkata, 1 commander Alejandro palomeque)
2nd Patrol Flotilla (1 commander optional)
4x Visby class corvette (1 command Guilherme Souza , 1 commander optional)
3rd Sub Flotilla (1 commander optional)
1x S80a Sub (1 commander Kafete)
4th Long Range Patrol (1 Commander optional)
1x Argos AGP class (1 commander Jakob Beck)
6x Polox PC class
Naval Aviation
Al Hoceima Airport (1 commander available)
6xMQ-8B Fire Scout
4xAS.256 MF
2xP3C Orion

Air Force
Oriental HQ (1 commander Paul Kopplin)
Melilla Airport (GEML) (1 Commander available)
Nador Airport (GMMW) (1 commander Rod Thayer)
6xEurocopter Tiger
Tetouan Airport (GMTN) (1 commander JDiogo)
12xF-18C (attached for navy command)
6xF-14D (attached for navy command)

Ernesto Fernandez Gonzalez
Mark Collins
Liu Pei

Recluitment continue opening but campaing starter shortly

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Great News for Jeff Dougherty

I receive a letter for Jeff some days ago:
Dear Mr. Hernandez,
I came across the posts about our upcoming product, Persian Incursion, on your 21squad blog. I just wanted to write and say thank you for helping tell people about the game- Larry, Chris, and I are very excited about it and we're very glad to see that other people are as well! I also wanted to tell you that the components are starting to go to the printer's shop here, so we should be able to announce a release date soon. Hopefully, we will be able to ship later in November.
Thanks again for your posts, and if there are any questions that have come up in your blog or on forums you read, I would be glad to help answer them. This is an especially good opportunity because unfortunately none of us can read Spanish well enough to keep up on the Spanish-language gaming forums. I studied the language in university, but I'm writing to you in English because I can tell from your blog that your English is probably much better than my Spanish!
Thank you again for the posts, and let me know if you have any questions.
Sincerely Yours,
-Jeff Dougherty
Co-Designer, Persian Incursion 
I am very impressed and grateful for your words, I will continue to report on all matters relating to harpoon and go bringing my bit for the project. Thanks to all

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Operacion Triton Recluting v2

Uptated recluit post

Operation Triton
Chain of Command
Katasia Orbat
Ground Forces
Oriental HQ XII Corp (1 commander Jphn Webb):
elements 21º Mechanized Infantry Bde (1 commander Miguel Ramon)
Alpha Frontier Bde (1 commander Optional)
elements A Frontier Btl (Formed Inf Btl) (1 commander
Barry Sumers)
elements B Frontier Btl (Formed Inf Btl) (1 commander scthemecoordinator)
Naval Forces
Mediterranean Fleet (1 commander Christian Wendt)
1st Patrol Flotilla (1 commander
Nicholas Moran)
2x LCS (1 commander Darthkata, 1 commander Alejandro palomeque)
2nd Patrol Flotilla (1 commander optional)
4x Visby class corvette (1 command Guilherme Souza , 1 commander optional)
3rd Sub Flotilla (1 commander optional)
1x S80a Sub (1 commander Kafete)
4th Long Range Patrol (1 Commander optional)
1x Argos AGP class (1 commander Jakob Beck)
6x Polox PC class
Air Force
Oriental HQ (1 commander Paul Kopplin)
Melilla Airport (GEML) (1 Commander
Nador Airport (GMMW) (1 commander Rod Thayer)
6xEurocopter Tiger
Tetouan Airport (GMTN) (1 commander JDiogo)
12xF-18C (attached for navy command)
6xF-14D (attached for navy command)
Ernesto Fernandez Gonzalez
Mark Collins