miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

Harpoon Flash News (II)

Interesantes comentarios de Andy Doty sobre el futuro Stars and Stripes (Estrellas y Barras) en Admiralty Trilogy
Interesting comments about the future Andy Doty Stars and Stripes (Stars and Stripes) in Admiralty Trilogy:

Stars and Stripes (WILL!) cover the US and USSR between Jan 1st 1960 and Dec31st 1979. All the ships, aircraft, sensors, weapons will be in there. It willhave scenarios covering;Bay of Pigs.Desert Storm 1961.Cuban Missile Crisis.(US vs USSR) Middle East 1967.Okean 1970.Vietnam scenarios. (S Vietnam vs the PLN).India vs the US 1971.(US vs USSR) Middle East 1973. This will be the focus of the scenario book. Ihave already spent about a thousand dollars on deck logs from the museum backeast! Kind of like when I wrote WE, I spent more money on books than I got inroyalties!Okean 1975.US vs Iran 1979.I am hoping for a box, with either two or three books. One for stats, one forscenarios, one for ships/aircraft forms. I will have all the forms done for anyscenario, so that might be on a CD.
No es algo que nos sorprenda a esta altura, pero ya solo comentar los escenarios se nos hace la boca agua
It is not something we surprised at this point, but then only comment on the scenarios we make your mouth water:

Bay of Pigs (Bahia de Cochinos)
El escenario de bahia de cochinos cubre la Invasión de la bahia del mismo nombre, fue una operación militar en la que tropas de cubanos exiliados, entrenados, financiados y dirigidos por la CIA, intentaron invadir Cuba en abril de 1961, con el propósito de tomar una cabeza de playa, formar un gobierno provisional y buscar el apoyo de la OEA y el reconocimiento de la comunidad internacional. La acción acabó en fracaso en menos de 72 horas, fue completamente aplastada por las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR) de Cuba. Más de un centenar de invasores murieron, y los cubanos capturaron a otros 1.200, junto con importante material bélico.
The scenario covers the Bay of Pigs Invasion of the bay of the same name, was a military operation in which troops of Cuban exiles, trained, financed and directed by the CIA, tried to invade Cuba in April 1961 with the purpose of taking a beachhead, to form a provisional government and seek support from the OEA and the international community recognition. The action ended in failure in less than 72 hours, was completely crushed by the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) of Cuba. More than a hundred invaders were killed, and another 1,200 captured by Cubans, along with significant military equipment.

Desert Storm 1961 (Operacion Mirador / Operation Vantage)
La operación Mirador fue una operación militar británico en 1961 para apoyar el nuevo estado independiente de Kuwait en contra de las pretensiones territoriales de su vecino, Irak. Gran Bretaña reaccionó a una solicitud de protección por el emir de Kuwait, en cuestion de dias, fuerzas maritimas, terrestres y aereas britanicas estaban desplegadas en la zona. Irak no atacó a las fuerzas británicas y fueron reemplazados por la Liga Árabe poco despues. Irak reconoció la independencia de Kuwait en 1963. Este what if simulariá un posible ataque iraqui sobre el emirato con un interesante equipamiento tanto occidental como sovietico contra las fuerzas britanicas.

The operation Vantaje was a British military operation in 1961 to support the new independent state of Kuwait's territorial claims against its neighbor, Iraq. Britain responded to a request for protection by the Emir of Kuwait, in a matter of days, British maritime, ground and air forces were deployed in the area. Iraq did not attack the British forces and were replaced by the Arab League shortly afterwards. Iraq recognized Kuwait's independence in 1963. This would simulate what if a potential Iraqi attack on the emirate with an interesting Western and Soviet equipment against British forces.

Cuban Missile Crisis / Crisis de los misiles de cuba
De todos es conocida la crisis de los misiles de cuba en 1962, con el despliegue de misiles sovieticos R-12 Dvina [SS-4 Sandal] en la isla, la posterior crisis con el bloqueo y amenaza de invasión por parte de USA, la escalada a la guerra con la URRS y la finalización de esta con la retirada de los misiles de alcance intermedio de cuba y turquia. El escenario que nos propone es un "what if" de que hubiera pasado si la guerra se hubiera tornado de fria a caliente en la isla, posiblemente con intercambio nuclear incluido.
Everyone is aware of the missile crisis in Cuba in 1962, with the deployment of Soviet missiles R-12 Dvina [SS-4 Sandal] onthe island, after the blockade crisis and threat of invasion by the USA, the escalation to war with the USSR and the end of thiswith the removal of intermediate-range missiles from Cuba and Turkey. The scenario we propose is a "what if" that would have happened if the war had turned to cold to hot in the island, possibly including nuclear exchange.

Oriente Medio / Middle East 1967
Este escenario cubriria un "What if" concerniente a la guerra de los seis dias Arabe-Israeli, en el ultimo dia de la ofensiva israeli en los altos del golan y con la guerra mas que ganada, se produjese una intervención sovietica en la zona. Los planes incluian el desembarco de fuerzas  navales sovieticas en forma de 1000 voluntarios al norte del puerto de Haifa, el desembarco de un LST en el ismo del Sinai, el despliegue de fuerzas paracaidistas yel despliegue de unidades aereas sovieticas en siria y posiblemente egipto. Tambien se incluirian combates navales entre la flota del mar negro y la sexta flota. Es posible que diese lugar a una escalada nuclear.
This scenario would cover a "what if" regarding the war in the Arab-Israeli six days in the last day of the Israeli offensive in the Golan Heights and the war more than earned, there be a Soviet intervention in the area. The plans included the landing of Soviet naval forces in the form of 1000 volunteers north of the port of Haifa, the landing of an LST in the Isthmus of Sinai, the deployment of paratroopers andthe Soviet air units deployed in Syria and possibly Egypt. It would include naval battles between the black Sea Fleet and Sixth Fleet. It is possible that would lead to nuclear escalation.

Okean 1970
La operación Okean-70 fue llevada a cabo por la marina sovietica en 1970, en un intento de demostrar su superioridad tecnologica de submarinos sobre sus pares occidentales. Mas de 200 buques actuaron agrupados en Task Forces (fuerzas de tarea) bajo un mando unificado. El escenario trataria si dicha fuerza naval podria hacer frente en combate en caso guerra.
Okean-70 The operation was carried out by the Soviet Navy in 1970 in an attempt to demonstrate its technological superiorityover their peers Western naval. More than 200 ships acted grouped into Task Forces (Task Force) under unified command.The scenario would try if the navy could face war if in combat.

Escenarios en Vietnam / Vietnam Scenarios
Varios escenarios que integrarian a las fuerzas armadas de la Republica de Vietnam del Sur contra las fuerzas armadas de la Republica Socialista de Vietnam del Norte

Several scenarios that would integrate the armed forces of the Republic of South Vietnam against the armed forces of the Socialist Republic of North Vietnam.

India vs the US (Pakistan Indian War 1971)
En este "What if" elementos de la frota americana, en este caso la TF74 al mando del portaviones "Enterprise", se enfrentarian a fuerzas indias y los grupos de superficie y submarinos en la bahia de bengala durante la guerra India Pakistani de 1971
In this "What if" elements of American rub in this case the TF74 in command of the aircraft carrier "Enterprise" would faceIndian forces and the surface and submarine groups in the Bay of Bengal in India Pakistani war of 1971

Okean 1975
Una version mas avanzada de Okean-70, esta vez con nuevas unidades, tacticas mejoradas y tecnologia mas moderna.
A more advanced version Okean-70, this time with new units, tactics improved and more modern technology.

US vs Iran 1979
Durante la crisis de los rehenes de 1979, los Estados Unidos diseñaron y pusieran a prueba una ambiciosa operación de rescate que incluia la participación de la marina, la fuerza aerea y cuerpos de operaciones especiales para rescatar a los rehenes secuestrados en la embajada estadounidense en Teheran, la operación fue un fracaso por errores graves durante su ejecución, pero en este "What If", la fuerza de rescate podria llegar a Teheran y intentar rescatar a los rehenes y escapar al golfo persico. Aparatos de la UsNavy fueron repintados para impedir ser confundidos con los aparatos de la fuerza aerea irani.
During the hostage crisis of 1979, the United States designed and would test an ambitious rescue operation that included the participation of the navy, air force and police special operations to rescue hostages held at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran the operation was a failure because serious errors during execution, but in this "What If", the rescue force could reach Tehran andtry to rescue the hostages and escape the Persian Gulf. USN devices were repainted to avoid being confused with the apparatus of the Iranian air force.

Hay que tener en cuenta que dichas suposiciones son solo especulaciones mias y me centro en los hechos historicos referentes a posibles desencadenantes y cursos de acción. Espero que os haya sido de ayuda y veremos si estoy en lo cierto.
Keep in mind that these assumptions are speculative only mine and I focus on the historical facts and possible courses of action triggers. I hope you have been helpful and see if I am right. Meanwhile, more news from the front

Oriente Medio / Middle East 1967 (ingles / English): http://meria.idc.ac.il/journal/2000/issue4/jv4n4a5.html

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Harpoon Flash News

En el grupo Admiralty Trilogy de yahoo, ha aparecido una respuesta muy interesante a una pregunta sobre los proximos lanzamientos de Harpoon, y Andy Doty en persona ha contestado esto:
In the Admiralty Trilogy Yahoo Group, has appeared a very interesting answer to a question about the upcoming releases of Harpoon, and Andy Doty himself has answered this:

P: He oido rumores de que una version de Harpoon esta proxima a lanzarse, ¿Es esto verdad?
R: Harpoon 5 y el juego ATLAS estan en desarrollo..... yo tengo que esperar por ellos para completar "Star and Stripes".
Q: I heard a rumor that there is a new version of HARPOON near release! Is thistrue?
A: Harpoon 5, and the ATLAS game are in the works... I have to wait for thembefore I can complete Stars and Stripes.


Andy Doty

Esperemos acontecimientos, tal vez tengamos unas interesantes navidades

Hopefully events, we may have some interesting Christmas

Gannet AS.4 Form

Gannet AS.4 ASW
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5
Damage Value: 19
Size/Signature: Large/Large
Bombsight: Manual
Counterm: None
Inflight Refuel: None

ASV 19 radar, 1st Gen ESM, RWR, SB

Throttle Setting (Speed in knots)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat
Low: 130 299 -
Med: 130 299 -
High: 130 299 -
Ceiling: 7620 meters
Engine Type: TP
Cruise Range: 580 nm
Int Fuel: 907 kg
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add.
100 Imp Gal drop tank 363 kg 114 nm
81 Imp Gal long range fuel tank 294 kg 92 nm

Ordnance Loadouts:
Payload: 907 kg
Off Guns: None
- 2xMk30/Mk44 Torp, 
5xT.1946 sonobouis, 6xMarine markers (int) (2x) 6xT.1945 sonobouis (ext)
- 2x(3xDMk11 DC), 5xT.1946 sonobouis, 6xMarine markers (int) (2x) 6xT.1945 sonobouis (ext)
5xT.1946 sonobouis, (3x) 6xT.1945 sonobouis, 6xMarine markers (int) (2x) 8x 25lb or 60lb head RP (ext) 
- 1xMk30/Mk44 Torp, (2x) 3xT.1946 sonobouis, (2x) 6xT.1945 sonobouis, 6xMarine markers (int) 8x 25lb or 60lb head RP (ext)
- 1xMk30/Mk44 Torp, (2x) 3xT.1946 sonobouis, (2x) 6xT.1945 sonobouis, 6xMarine markers (int) (2x) 6x Flare Head RP (ext)
- 6xtraining flare, 6xMarine markers (int) 2xASR container (ext)
- 1xMk30/Mk44 Torp, 3xT.1946 sonobouis, 4xT.1945 sonobouis (int) 8x 25lb or 60lb head RP (ext)
3xDMk11 DC, 5xT.1946 sonobouis (int) 16x25lb or 60lb or Flare Head RP (ext)
- 4x500lb bombs or 1x1000lb bomb or 1x2500lb bombs (int)
- 2xlong range fuel tank, 2x500lb bombs (int)
- 2xlong range fuel tank,  3xDMk11 DC, 4xMarine markers (int)
1xType A Mk9/Type A Mk12 or 2xType A Mk7 Mines, 4xMarine markers (int) 4xsmoke/flame float (ext)
- 4xType O mk1/Type A Mk8 Mines (int)

In Service: 1958
A.S.4 replaced all Firefly an Avenger in the ASW role. Only pasive sonobouis available
Sonobouy Procesor has 4 channels and 1 search channel

Typhoon F.2 Fighter Form

Version Inglesa del EFA Typhoon / UK Typhoon EFA
Typhoon F.2 Fighter

Man Rtng: 5.5/3.0
Damage Value: 31
Size/Signature: Small/VSmall
Bombsight: Advanced
Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D
Inflight Refuel: Y/D

CAPTOR radar, RWR/3rd Gen ESM. HMS linked to PIRATE 4th Gen FLIR/IRST, MIDS (Link 16).

Throttle Setting (Speed in knots)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat
Low: 480 650 792
Med: 480 726 969
High: 480 803 1147
Ceiling: 16765 meters
Engine Type: TF
Cruise Range: 1090/1015 nm
Int Fuel: 4560/4250 kg
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add.
1000 L drop tank 800 kg 190 nm

Ordnance Loadouts:
Payload: 7500 kg
Off Guns: 1 Mauser BK27 27mm w/150 rds (2.5)
-Can carry 4xAIM-120 and 2xAIM-9L/ASRAAM in all loadouts.
-3x1000 L drop tanks, additional 2xAIM-120
-3x1000 L drop tanks, 4xEPWII(UK) or 4xALARM 2 or 6xPaveway IV
-3x1000 L drop tanks, 2xALARM 2, 2xEPWII(UK) or 4xPaveway IV or 6xBrimstone
-1x1000 L drop tank, 2xStorm Shadow, 4xALARM 2
-1x1000 L drop tank, 2xEPWIII, 2xEPWII(UK), 2xALARM 2

In Service: 2007
Range and fuel for single seat F.2 and two seat T.1.
Paveway IV loadout estimated.
Fitted with 27mm cannon for ballast only - RAF will not use the gun operationally and have not purchased ammunition or ground support equipment.
-Squadrons (16 aircraft each): No 29(R) OCU (Jul 05), No 3 (Mar 07), No 11 (2007), No 6 (2007), further 3 in 2009; No 29(R) OCU with 10 T.1, 6 F.2; No 17(R) EOU with 9 aircraft and 95 in reserve. Coningsby (No 29(R), 3, 11), Leuchars (No 6). Possibly all multi-role by 2011.
-Weapons: AIM-120B, AIM-9L (2006); ASRAAM (2007); AIM- 120C5, EPWII(UK), 20 Litening III tgt pod vice CL 1000 L drop tank (Jul 08); ALARM 2, EPWIII (2010); Brimstone, Storm Shadow, Paveway IV, Meteor vice AIM-120 (2012)
-mid-07: 6 a/c operational in QRA with AIM-120C5, ASRAAM.
-2007: FOC includes IRST, HMD, full EW/ESM including MAWS, laser warning.

JAS 39C/D Gripen Form

JAS 39C/D Gripen Fighter

Man Rtng: 5.0/3.0
Damage Value: 19
Size/Signature: Small/VSmall
Bombsight: Advanced
Counterm: 3rd Gen D
Inflight Refuel: Y/P

PS-05/A Mk2 radar, RWR, TIDLS datalink

Throttle Setting (Speed in knots)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat
Low: 450 570 758
Med: 450 600 896
High: 450 630 1033

Ceiling: 15240 m
Engine Type: TF
Cruise Range: 885 nm
Internal Fuel: 2400 kg
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add.
1135 L drop tank 910 kg 335 nm

Ordnance Loadouts:
Payload: 5300 kg
-In all loadouts: 2xAIM-9L Sidewinder on tip HP; Litening III on fuselage pylon
-1xDrop tank, 4xAIM-120B or 4xGBU-12 Paveway II
-1xDrop tank, 2xRBS 15F or 2xBk 90 or 2xGBU-12 Paveway II or 2xKEPD 350, 2xAIM-120B
-2xDrop tanks, 3xGBU-12 Paveway II
-3xDrop tanks, 2xAIM-120B or 2xGBU-12 Paveway II
-2xDrop tanks, 1xSPK-39 recon pod, 2xAIM-120B

In Service: 2004
EMP hardened, FBW controls. Engages 4xtgts at once with AMRAAM.
Maintenance requirements are 3/4 standard.
Reduced RCS - remains Vsmall signature with 6 AAM.
TIDLS (Tactical Infor­mation Data Link System) datalink can fire RSB 15F and provide midcourse AMRAAM based on TIDLS contacts.
Can be refuelled and rearmed in 10 minutes (fighter) or 20 minutes (attack).
JAS 39D not fitted with gun, reduced agility (Man Rtng: 4.5/2.5) and fuel (Cruise Range: 860 nm, 2335 kg fuel).

-Deliveries (JAS 39C/D): 50/14 new (Sep 02-Nov 08); 18/13 conversions (Nov 09-12). Strength: 53 (Apr 07), 45/13 (Sep 07). Losses: C Apr 07 Squadrons (20 a/c each): F17 Wing (Jan 04 and Jan 06); 2 Sqn/ F21 (Jan 05); 1 Sqn/F21 (Oct 06)
-Weapons: GBU-12 Paveway II, Litening III tgt pod (Oct 06 with F21); 8 SPK-39 recon pod (Sep 06 or mid 07; 2 each wing, 4 for SWAFRAP with F17); KEPD 350 (2012?), Meteor (2015)
-Jan 04: IOC
-Jan 07: FOC - F17 (air to air, recon roles), F21 (air to air, Litening III).
-14 Jan 08: Inflight refuelling trials completed. Cleared to refuel from C-135FR, KC-135 and KC-10.
-2008-09: Fitted with EWS 39 jammer (3rd Gen J).
-2009-10: Block 19 upgraded with 3rd Gen ESM, NATO IFF/com­ Cobra HMD with inbuilt NVG (training from Mar 09) and IRIS-T vice AIM-9L (250 msls delivered). Some fitted with standalone Link 16 for international operations.
-2009-11: Fitted with GPS guided bombs (use GBU-49 until more info available).
-2010-11: Radar updated to PS-05 Mk4 (adds Target ID, SAR mode can tgt GPS guided bombs in all weathers). Assume Block 20 upgrade including Rover CAS datalink.
-2012 on: SPK-39 to be fitted with datalink, IRLS and possibly DB-110/CL-295 LOROP. Radar possibly to AESA standard.
F-35C Lightning II Fighter

Man Rtng: 5.0/3.5
Damage Value: 22
Size/Signature: Small/Stealthy
Bombsight: Advanced
Counterm: 4th Gen J&D
Inflight Refuel: Y/D
Sensors: APG-81 radar, helmet-mounted display, 3rd Gen FLIR, 3rd Gen ESM, laser spot tracker, laser designator.

Throttle Setting (Speed in knots)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat
Low: 460 590 630
Med: 520 640 830
High: 580 690 870

Ceiling: 15240 m
Engine Type: TF
Cruise Range: 2000 nm
Int Fuel: 8689 kg
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add.
600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 425 nm

Ordnance Loadouts:
Payload: 7715 kg
-Can carry 2xAIM-9X externally in all loadouts (Signature VSmall)
-Reduced-RCS gun pod w/GAu-12 25mm and 220 rds on C/L
-2xAIM-120 and 8xGBU-39 or 2xGBU-31 JDAM (internal)
-2xAIM-120 AMRAAM and 2xAGM-142 JSOW (Internal)
-8xGBU-39 and 4xJCM (external, Signature VSmall)

In Service: 2014
USN carrier variant.
Planned to carry GBU-31, 32, CBU-105 WCMD, GBU-12, AGM-154 JSOW, Small Diameter Bomb, AIM- 120C, AIM-132 internally, AGM-158, JASSM, AIM-9X externally.

F-35A Lightning II Form

F-35A Lightning II Fighter
Man Rtng: 5.0/3.5
Damage Value: 22
Size/Signature: Small/Stealthy
Bombsight: Advanced
Counterm: 4th Gen J&D
Inflight Refuel: Y/B

APG-81 radar, helmet-mounted display, 3rd Gen FLIR, 3rd Gen ESM, laser spot tracker, laser designator.

Throttle Setting (Speed in knots)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat
Low: 460 590 660
Med: 520 640 830
High: 580 690 870

Ceiling: 15240 m
Engine Type: TF
Cruise Range: 1910 nm
Int Fuel: 8309 kg
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add.
600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 425 nm

Ordnance Loadouts:
Payload: 5900 kg
Off Guns: GAU-12 25mm w/180 rds (3.4)
-Can carry 2xAIM-9X externally in all loadouts (Signature VSmall)
-2xAIM-120 and 8xGBU-39 or 2xGBU-31 JDAM (Internal)
-2xAIM-120 AMRAAM and 2xAGM-142 JSOW (Internal)
-8xGBU-39 and 4xJCM (external, Signature VSmall)

In Service: 2013
USAF CTOL variant.
Planned to carry GBU-31, 32, CBU-105 WCMD, GBU-12, AGM-154 JSOW, Small Diameter Bomb, AIM- 120C, AIM-132 internally, AGM-158, JASSM, AIM-9X externally.

F-22A Raptor Form

Form actualizado para los anexos de H4 / Update Form for H4 annex

F-22A Raptor Fighter
Man Rtng: 6.0/3.5
Damage Value: 30
Size/Signature: Small/Stealthy
Bombsight: Advanced
Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D
Inflight Refuel: Y/B

APG-77 radar, 3rd Gen ESM. Fitted with Inflight LPI datalink, allows two aircraft to share data, Link 16 receive only.

Throttle Setting (Speed in knots)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat
Low: 650 650 792
Med: 700 813 970
High: 807 975 1147

Ceiling: 18288 meters
Engine Type: TF
Cruise Range: 1800 nm
Int Fuel: 8323 kg
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add.
600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 400 nm

Ordnance Loadouts:
Payload: 9100 kg
Off Guns: M61 20mm Vulcan w/480 rds (3.9)
-2xAIM-9M or AIM-9X Sidewinder in two small internal bays (all configurations)
-6xAIM-120C AMRAAM internally
-2xAIM-120C, 2xGBU-32 JDAM internally
-2xAIM-120C, 8xSmall Diameter Bombs internally
-2x600 USG tanks, 4xAIM-120C/AIM-9X externally
-4x600 USG drop tanks externally (ferry loadout)

In Service: Dec 05
-Sep 02: Redesignated F/A-22 Raptor.
-2005: Fitted with AIM-120C-7
-Dec 2005: Redesignated F-22A Raptor.

F-16C/D Falcon Form

Este form actualiza los anexos de harpoon y High Tyde / That form update Harpoon and High Tide data annex

F-16C/D Falcon Fighter

Man Rtng: see remarks
Damage Value: 20
Size/Signature: Small/Small
Bombsight: Advanced
Counterm: 2nd Gen D
Inflight Refuel: Y/B

APG-68, RWR. Block 50 aircraft equipped with podded ASQ-213 HARM
Targeting System in pod on inlet side. Provides ESM capability and range
data for HARM missiles.

Throttle Setting (Speed in knots)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat
Low: 533 650 791
Med: 533 693 974
High: 533 735 1158

Ceiling: 15240 meters
Engine Type: TF
Cruise Range: 1100 nm
Int Fuel: 3162 kg
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add.
300 USG drop tank 925 kg 320 nm
370 USG Drop Tank 1140 kg 400 nm

Ordnance Loadouts:
Payload: 7574 kg

Off Guns: 1 M61A1 Vulcan 20mm w/511 rds (3.9)
-1x300 USG drop tank, 2x370 USG drop tanks, 6xAIM-9L
-1xB61 nuclear store, 2x370 USG drop tanks, 4xAIM-9L
-6xMk82/Mk20 Rockeye or 4xCBU-52/58/71/87/89 or 2xMk84, 2x370 USG, 4xAIM-9L/M, 1xALQ-131
-2x370 USG drop tanks, 4xAGM-65D Maverick, 2xAIM-9L
-4xAGM-45 Shrike or AGM-88 HARM, 1xALQ-131 ECM pod, 2xAIM-9L/M Sidewinder (Block 30/32, 50/52 aircraft only)
-2xAGM-45 Shrike or AGM-88 HARM, 1xALQ-131 ECM pod, 2x370 USG drop tanks, 4xAIM-9L/M Sidewinder (Block 30/32, 50/52 aircraft only)
-2xGBU-10 or 4xGBU-12, 1xALQ-131 ECM pod, 2x370 USG drop tanks, 2xAIM-9M Sidewinder, 2xAIM-120 AMRAAM (Block 40/42 aircraft only)
-4xGBU-30/32 or 4xCBU-103/104/105/107, 1xALQ-131 ECM pod, 2x370 USG drop tanks, 2xAIM-9M Sidewinder, 2xAIM-120 AMRAAM (2004)
-2xAGM-158 JASSM, 1xALQ-131 ECM pod, 2x370 USG drop tanks, 2xAIM-9MSidewinder, 2xAIM-120 AMRAAM (2005)

In Service: 1984
F-16D is two-seat version, has 680 kg less fuel, range 860 nm. Block 40/42 known unofficially as F-16CG, Block 50/52 as F-16CJ.
-1984: Block 25 aircraft have APG-68 radar, can carry AGM-65D Maverick. Man Rtng 4.5/2.5
-1987: Block 30/32: 3rd Gen D countermeasures, Can carry AIM- 120 AMRAAM, AGM-45 Shrike, AGM-88 HARM. Man Rtng 4.5/2.0.
-1988: Block 40/42 aircraft, can carry LANTIRN nav and target­ing pods on special inlet stations. Cannot be jettisoned. Man Rtng 4.0/1.5
-1988: Block 40/42 fitted with ALR-56M (3rd Gen ESM), ALE-47 (3rd Gen D). LANTIRN service entry delayed. Man Rtng 4.0/2.0
-1988: USAF and RNoAF aircraft modified with stealth features under Have Glass program. Coated canopies and mods to intakes to hide compressor blades. Mods made to all F-16C/D Block 40/42 and later in USAF service, all 150 RNoAF Block 15S -16A/B aircraft. Approx 50 Dutch Block 10 aircraft were not upgraded. Signature reduced to VSmall.
-1990: LANTIRN nav pod operational.
-1992: AIM-120 in service (replaces AIM-9 one for one).
-1992: LANTIRN operational
-1993: US Block 50, APG-68(v)5, fitted with ASQ-213 HARM Targeting System (HTS) when available. Can launch HARM based on other Block 50 or RC-135 Rivet Joint ESM, provides coverage in front 180°. Cannot use LANTIRN. AGM-65G added. Export Block 50 have option of LANTIRN and Harpoon. HTS not exported.
-Jun 94: ASQ-213 HTS pod operational.
-1996: CBU-97 in service, loadout as per Mk84 above.
-1998: Loadout for Allied Force 2 AIM-120, 2 AIM-9M, 2 GBU-12, 2 LAU-68, ALQ-131 ECM pod, LANTIRN pods.
-Oct 00: New software allows Block 50/52 aircraft to carry GBU-31 JDAM, AGM-154 JSOW. Can drop JSOW on radars detected by HTS. Can be substituted for Mk84.
-Feb 01: Block 39 USAF Reserve F-16C Block 30 aircraft fitted with Litening II pod on special inlet HP. Will also be fitted to Blocks 25/30/32.
-Jun 02: Block 40/42 fitted with GBU-31 JDAM, JSOW, WCMD, EGBU-27.
-Apr 03: Block 50 fitted to carry GBU-31 JDAM.
-Jun 03: Block 40/42/50/52 fitted to carry Litening ER pod on special inlet HP vice LANTIRN. Block 50/52 cannot carry HTS at the same time.
-Jul 03: Block 30 fitted to carry GBU-31 JDAM.
-Apr 04: Block 40/42/50/52 fitted with BRU-57 smart racks, each can carry 2 1000 lb smart weapons.
-Mid-2004: M3.3A+ software adds Link 16/MIDS to Block 50/52. Sniper-XR in service with ANG Block 30 and Block 50/52. Block 50/52 carries either HTS or Sniper-XR pod on inlet station.
-Oct 04: Helmet-Mounted Sight operational on Block 50.
-2004-05: M4 software adds AIM-9X and GBU-38
-2005 - 09: Block 40/42 adds Sniper XR vice LANTIRN, Link 16/ MIDS, JDAM, JASSM, HMS w AIM-9X.
-200?: Cleared for GBU-39 SDB. Carries clusters of four on UW2, loadout ALQ-131, 2 370 USG drop tanks, 2 AIM-120, 2 AIM-9M, Sniper targeting pods, 2 clusters of 4 GBU-39.
-2007: Block 50/52 can carry Sniper XR and HTS on same mission , HTS on port, Sniper on right. Can detect radars with HTS, and target with laser or GPS guided weapons.
-2007 - 12 : 280 Block 50/52 to be fitted with APG-68(v)9 with SAR mode. Can target GPS weapons by SAR or cue targeting pod.

Persian Incursion IV: Información adicional

Se ha publicado en la pagina de clash of arms varios documentos que añaden mas vida a este gran añadido
It has been published in the clash of arms page several documents that add more life to this great added.

Documentación de Erratas / Documentation Erratas:
Forms de Daños Expandidos / Expanded Damage Forms: http://www.clashofarms.com/files/PI_Expanded%20Damage%20Forms.pdf
Localizaciones SAM Iranies Fijas / Iranian Fixed SAM sites: http://www.clashofarms.com/files/PI_Fixed%20SAMs%20Sites.pdf
Reglas de ataque simplificadas / Simplified Strike rules: http://www.clashofarms.com/files/PI_Simplified%20Strike%20Rules%2024%20Nov.pdf